Monday, 18 April 2011

Fulfilling Your Goals

It is very important to be specific about the amount of progress you want to make in this year 2011. This progress must have an element of breakthrough inside it. It might not be the fulfilment of the vision, but it is going to be the accomplishment of a goal within that vision. When I say vision, I mean the vision you hold in life. The vision is for an appointed time, but you must know when the goal will be fulfilled.
God instructed Abraham to start from his current location. This means that you must start from where you are and not from where others are or where they think you should be. So set goals achievable from your present level of faith and knowledge. Avoid fantasying or hallucination and face the reality of your current position. From where you are, lift up your head and then look as far as you can see, not how any other person can see, but as far as you can see in 2011 as an individual.

As you pursue that goal, you have to rejoice with everybody on every achieved goal and don’t feel inferior. And do not, out of a competitive spirit do what you know you cannot see inside you because that would destroy creativity. Your vision depends on what you can see.
There is something about the way God created the world that makes the circumstances of life give to you what you have decided in your heart to happen in your life. Follow what you can see down in your heart and not someone else’s programme. This is the reason why you cannot be a financially successful person if you spend money the way other people do. Follow your own financial programme and goal. This is how the wisest people behave financially. If you do not have any savings or invested you cannot have a financial future. Your financial future is not how much you have spent but how much you have saved and invested. Do not compare yourself with anybody.
The vision is for an appointed time, and so there will be increase every step of the way. Development and growth will also happen. Last thing is that you need to understand is that if you fulfil the demand of faith in the invisible realm, things will begin to happen and  there will be more answers to offered prayers.
Great men didn’t achieve great feats without setting goals within the vision of their lives. Abraham set goals, Jesus had goals, Paul and other world changers set goals every step of their progress in life. The world is always in the habit of creating room for men who know where they are going in life.
Set goals, achieve and keep succeeding.

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